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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ “Aku berlindung dengan kalimah-kalimah Allah yang sempurna dari segala syaitan, binatang yang berbisa dan pandangan mata yang jahat.” Blog ni saya jadikan sebagai catatan perkara menarik yang berlaku dalam aktiviti harian saya. Kebanyakan gambar dan maklumat adalah hak milik saya sendiri. Mana yang baik jadikan teladan, buruk jadikan sempadan.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018



Tanzanite is said to have calming and soothing properties. It is sometimes referred to a the “workaholic stone” because it’s supposed to help relax those who work too much. It also relieves depression and stress.

Zircon is a grounding stone, used to balance the wearers dreams with reality. In addition, zircon is said to ward off negative energy and invite happiness into the wearer’s life.

Turquoise signifies wisdom, balance and truth. It is said to be the stone of protection, possessing the power to prevent injury. For this reason, many travelers carry turquoise amulets.


Sagittarius were made to travel the world. They are curious and energetic, able to turn their thoughts into actions. They have an open mind, enjoy freedom and aren’t constrained by details.
  • A sagittarius woman is fun, outgoing, friendly and sometimes a little wild. She speaks her mind and values independence.
  • A sagittarius man loves adventure and is excited by the endless possibilities life has to offer. He is a thinker, interested in philosophy, religion and the meaning of everything.


Holly is said to symbolize domestic happiness, fertility and eternal life. It is often hung in people’s homes in hopes that they will receive these traits.

The narcissus represents transformation. Sometimes we see ourselves or our situation in one way until it’s turned on its side and the answer becomes clear. The narcissus is said to represent this journey.


Monday, April 2, 2018